Ethnic cosmetics: A major trend dominating the beauty industry

Ethnic cosmetics are all the rage these days. Whether among beauty influencers, consumers or brands, interest in this concept is growing all the time. This is because the needs of ethnic customers are evolving and becoming increasingly demanding. They are now looking for products specially formulated to meet their specific needs. The ethnic cosmetics market, which is worth over 2 billion dollars, is of greater interest than ever to brands who see enormous potential in it.
Ethnic cosmetics: when black and mixed-race consumers become more demanding
Ethnic cosmetics refers to all cosmetics produced for people with black and mixed-race skin and frizzy, curly or straightened hair. It therefore covers all cosmetic products that meet the specific needs of Afro-Caucasian skin and hair, which are different from those of Caucasian skin and hair. Ethnic cosmetics are currently booming, as brands have quickly realised the importance of adapting to the demands of this segment of the population.
With the advent of the nappy movement and the many blogs and YouTube channels specialising in black and mixed-race skin care, ethnic groups have been re-educated about the real needs and specificities of their beauty. As a result, black and mixed-race women are more uncompromising in their choice of beauty products, as they now take into account the specific characteristics of their skin.
Women from ethnic groups, use 9 times more hair products and 7 times more make-up and skincare products than Caucasian women, for example. Moreover, the ethnic cosmetics market in France is booming, and estimated to be worth over €60 million a year. In the United States, the market is worth over 300 million dollars. Ethnic cosmetics have taken off in leaps and bounds, and brands have every reason to take a close interest in this niche. And they already are. Recent years have seen a proliferation of cosmetics and beauty professionals specialising in skincare for black and mixed-race skin. Beauty salons and products for "Afro hair" are also filling up the market more and more.
How ethical is ethnic cosmetics?
It's a commendable effort on the part of brands to take a greater interest in the specific characteristics of black and mixed-race skin and to develop product ranges aimed exclusively at them. However, we need to question the real reasons behind this sudden surge in corporate interest in ethnic beauty. In this sense, the question is as follows: Are brands really trying to meet the real needs of ethnic groups, or is this simply a marketing ploy to boost their sales figures?
Brands that fall into the first category are those that advocate not only meeting the needs of ethnic beauty, but also being ethical. In other words, those that take into account respect for the environment, consumer health and the choice of the right ingredients, and that are committed to eco-responsibility and sustainability.
At Noire By Sonia, we have chosen to put our energy into designing products that are healthy, effective and eco-responsible. We are working to meet the cosmetic needs of ethnic skins and to promote a more ethical beauty industry.